From Guyana to Manchester

DSC_0037_sNana Bonsu was born on 26th June 1930, in Guyana. Guyana is a sovereign country on the northern eastern coast of South America, and one of the only Caribbean nations that is not an island. The country was colonized by the Netherlands and then became a British colony for more than 200 years before gaining independence in 1966.

Born in one of the country’s busiest sugar cane producing area MacKenzie City, Demerara-Berbice, Nana had three sisters and one brother. He was the youngest in the family. Educated in Georgetown, the country’s capital, he was a keen athlete and also was a chorister at the St George cathedral. A highly talented field sports athlete, Nana represented his country, Guyana at different levels throughout the Caribbean. He particularly excelled in the shot put and discus events.

He left Guyana to study printing in England in 1960. Prior to that was a foreman a printing company BG Lithographers and joined a printing firm in Manchester called Hugh Stevenson.

As a youth worker, the promotion of sporting activities were central to the programmes he developed and managed. Many individuals recall his passion for them to excel in areas such as table tennis, cricket and kickboxing activities at the West Indian Centre.

While living in the UK, he never severed contacts with his close and extended family back in Guyana. He visited regularly. On many occasions when he would return from Guyana to Manchester he would say,

“I am building a piece of Africa back there for my African people in the UK to join me”.


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