Guyana Revisited

Nana was a founding member of the Guyanese Association in the 1960s. It is one of the six Island organizations of the West Indian Organization Coordinating Committee (WIOCC) which operated from the West Indian Centre.

Through this link he worked with others from Guyana to develop and strength social, cultural and political ties from the grassroots to the highest level of government back home.

He served as the Association’s Chairman for many years and carried out several fund raising projects at the centre as well as for those back in his country.

He also represented the interest of one of Guyana main political party, The People’s National Congress in the Diaspora. He was its representative   working closely with government representatives and party activists to develop and maintain worthwhile fraternal links with Guyanese nationals in the UK.

In the latter years of his life he started to develop close links with the Pan African support group back in Georgetown, Guyana. He would supply them with large numbers of books, pamphlets, DVD/Videos about the work of great African scholars from across the world. On his travels to Guyana he would spend time with these groups giving advice and participating in discussions and other Pan African work.

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